Parent Teacher Association
Our Mission & Vision
The Maggotty High School Parent Teacher Assocation is very pleased to be a part of this newly platform.
We laud the efforts of the administrators, staff and students of this noble institution and pledge our continued support as you strive to become the school of choice in Jamaica.
Under the capable leadership of Principal, Mr. Sean Graham, Maggotty High School has achieved much in recent years, both in academies and extra curricular activilies. We highlight the Schools' Challenge Quiz Team
and the Debating Society who have done exceptionally well in promoting the school with their performances; no longer will Maggotty High School be seen as one of the 'under-dog' schools. Also, we applaud the efforts of the Football, Cricket and Netball teams, who all had a great season.
We commit to assist in ensuring that our contribution to these ventures will be meaningful. We also commit to increasing and fostering the involvement of our parents in the lite of the school and the P.T.A. by improving the communication between its Executive Body and the broader parent body and working even closer with the school's administration to keep parents up-to-date on upcoming events through networking. Plans are in the incubation stage to develop a parent database system where messages can be easily transmitted via SMS notification or email. In addition, we encourage teachers and parents to provide the P.T.A's Executive Body with input throughout the year to address any needs or concerns.
Our main focus will be partnering with key stakeholders to develop and implement projects and fundraising initiatives that will advance the welfare of the student body. The recent fund raising activity (Barbeque) was a success. However, we encourage more parents' participation if we are to make the next one even better and improve the profitability and effectiveness of our fundraising efforts.
Let me again urge the present student body to take advantage of the many opportunities that have been created in the educational system. By remaining focused on your studies, you will reap the rich rewards of education as have others who passed through the gates of this noble institution.
I wish you great success and God s richest Blessings!
Joyspha Campbell (Mrs)
PTA President